Excellent Article On Cloud Hosting!

This week I wanted to share an excellent article I found on the subject of "cloud based hosting". I hope you enjoy it. Also, I discovered a cloud based hosting company that is offering a pretty good deal right now. It is Optimalhosting.com. Check them out here

Here is the article I promised...

Affordable Web Hosting: What Is Cloud Hosting?
By Teresa A Douglas

Cloud hosting or cloud computing has gained tremendous popularity in the last years. This type of hosting has many advantages over shared hosting solutions. Cloud hosting is a general term for anything that involves delivering hosted services online. This technology utilizes the Internet and central remote servers to maintain data.

How Does Cloud Hosting Work?

This service allows both individual and business customers to use a wide range of applications without installing them. In cloud hosting, your website relies on a cluster of servers that work together, not on just one server. This type of hosting provides computing power, on demand, when you need it.

The cloud is the virtual server where users can store and edit files. Instead of using the power of one server, you have access to multiple connected servers. These servers are usually distributed in various data centers. Cloud hosting enables you to pay for computing resources as you need them.

A cloud platform allows users to modify hardware resources as if they were software. With cloud computing, hardware is no longer your main focus. All data can be placed onto one platform and can be accessed online. All of your information is stored into a "resource pool" that is fully secured and private to each customer. Having your data in one place increases flexibility, agility, and interoperability.

Benefits of Cloud Computing

Cloud hosting has many benefits for users, including:

Consumption is billed as a utility with low upfront costs
Customers can avoid expenditure on hardware and software
Users have access to a large number of applications without having to download anything
Businesses can share resources in one place
Ease of use
Fewer risks associated with data loss
Service orientation
Reduced operation costs

The cloud hosted websites can handle the different levels of traffic according to the demand. Cloud computing enables users to add or remove IT resources without the associated factor of cost consideration. Most web hosts offer quick backups and 24/7 customer support. The cloud platform is highly flexible and easy to customize. Unlike traditional hosting, cloud hosting is sold on demand and managed by the provider.

This service exhibits several key characteristics such as easy maintenance, increased security-focused resources, multi-tenancy, low costs, and device and location independence. Reliability is improved if multiple sites are used, which makes cloud computing suitable for disaster recovery and business continuity. Applications can be easily transferred from one server to another.

Many companies offer [http://talkingwebhosting.info]affordable web hosting for all of your business needs. Bluehost is one of the largest and most trusted hosting providers on the Internet. The company offers [http://talkingwebhosting.info]discount web hosting along with other great features designed to grow and support your business.

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