If you are getting ready to set up a website you will purchase hosting as we have discussed. You will also have to purchase a domain. What is a domain? A domain is your website's address in cyberspace. Domains are also known as URL (Universal Resource Locator). I have a personal website that I invest a lot of time in and it's web address, domain or URL is www.howtobeforgiven.com.
Unlike hosting, domains are a pretty cut and dry issue. Buying a domain from godaddy.com is just as valid a domain as the same one bought at cheapdomains.com. So when you are in the process of buying a domain cost will probably be the biggest factor as far as where you buy your domain.
Now one good piece of news concerning domains is that many hosting companies will throw in a domain name for free just for using their hosting service. Here is a list of companies that will do that...
Unlike hosting, domains are a pretty cut and dry issue. Buying a domain from godaddy.com is just as valid a domain as the same one bought at cheapdomains.com. So when you are in the process of buying a domain cost will probably be the biggest factor as far as where you buy your domain.
Now one good piece of news concerning domains is that many hosting companies will throw in a domain name for free just for using their hosting service. Here is a list of companies that will do that...
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