A dedicated server is a powerful computer that is used solely as a network server, a single computer in a network reserved for network needs. It refers to the rental and exclusive use of a computer and provides services to a single account or a domain name. Therefore, it is for the exclusive use of an organization, and is leased and stored in the data center hosting company.
1. InMotion
InMotion web hosting company is ranked as the best provider of services provider dedicated server hosting. Key features that the company offers to its customers are: unlimited My SQL databases, SSH access, high performance RAID 1 data storage, specifically for elite plans, Enterprise Class Linux OS (CentOS), unlimited FTP accounts , Optional Root access, scalable, customized Advanced Policy Firewall, WHM reseller access, unlimited individual Subaccounts c Panel and unlimited email accounts.
2. 100TB
100TB web hosting company is third in the dedicated server provider. Its main features include a large power high performance dedicated server hosting and cloud hosting services. Moreover, customers get 100 TB of bandwidth at low and affordable prices. Their servers are fully automated thus offers a fast reliable network in multiple data centers.
3. HostV
Web Hosting Company has several functions HostV best dedicated server hosting provider that its customers benefit from, for example, allows SSH Root Access, Fantastico comes with an easily installed, Red5, use the panel c, supports FFMpeg, PHP5 and MySQL5.
4. Hop Single
Based on Intel processors, memory, Kingston, Western Digital, and Seagate hard drives, Chicago, IL Single Hop specialized based on Linux or Windows dedicated servers. Hop only offers customers their own control panel server, called LEAP, without support at all. It is essentially a platform for Ajax that give customers the power to control the new tasks such as controlling the bandwidth or server restart.
5. Hosting buzz
Buzz hosting Hosting is another leader in offering dedicated server hosting. ST Their servers are on the same day. The company uses Dell servers either micro and Super for your dedicated server hosting services to ensure that customers receive only the best dedicated server hosting. Customers can choose from three options offered by the company. The first option uses the Intel Xeon E3-1230, 4 of 3.2 GHz, which has 4 IP addresses, 1TB HDD, 10TB of bandwidth and 8 GB of DDR3 RAM.
1. InMotion
InMotion web hosting company is ranked as the best provider of services provider dedicated server hosting. Key features that the company offers to its customers are: unlimited My SQL databases, SSH access, high performance RAID 1 data storage, specifically for elite plans, Enterprise Class Linux OS (CentOS), unlimited FTP accounts , Optional Root access, scalable, customized Advanced Policy Firewall, WHM reseller access, unlimited individual Subaccounts c Panel and unlimited email accounts.
2. 100TB
100TB web hosting company is third in the dedicated server provider. Its main features include a large power high performance dedicated server hosting and cloud hosting services. Moreover, customers get 100 TB of bandwidth at low and affordable prices. Their servers are fully automated thus offers a fast reliable network in multiple data centers.
3. HostV
Web Hosting Company has several functions HostV best dedicated server hosting provider that its customers benefit from, for example, allows SSH Root Access, Fantastico comes with an easily installed, Red5, use the panel c, supports FFMpeg, PHP5 and MySQL5.
4. Hop Single
Based on Intel processors, memory, Kingston, Western Digital, and Seagate hard drives, Chicago, IL Single Hop specialized based on Linux or Windows dedicated servers. Hop only offers customers their own control panel server, called LEAP, without support at all. It is essentially a platform for Ajax that give customers the power to control the new tasks such as controlling the bandwidth or server restart.
5. Hosting buzz
Buzz hosting Hosting is another leader in offering dedicated server hosting. ST Their servers are on the same day. The company uses Dell servers either micro and Super for your dedicated server hosting services to ensure that customers receive only the best dedicated server hosting. Customers can choose from three options offered by the company. The first option uses the Intel Xeon E3-1230, 4 of 3.2 GHz, which has 4 IP addresses, 1TB HDD, 10TB of bandwidth and 8 GB of DDR3 RAM.
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